Folgende Referent:innen haben bereits zugesagt:

Jan-Hendrik Bartels Industry Lead Consulting Vertical – Appinio GmbH
René Borbonus Trainer | Vortragsredner | Autor
Prof. Dr. Dirk Helbing Professor für Computational Social Science – ETH Zürich
Prof. Dr. Sabina Jeschke CEO KI Park, Aufsichtsrätin, Gründerin, Senior Advisor, Of Councel
Prof. Dr. Miriam Meckel Founder & Executive Chairwoman – ada Learning GmbH
Judith Muster promovierte Soziologin, Partnerin bei Metaplan® – Gesellschaft für Planung und Organisation mbH, Co-Geschäftsführerin der Gesellschaft für Verwaltungsinnovation – Akademische Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Organisations- und Verwaltungssoziologie, Universität Potsdam
Heike Prinz Vorständin, Chief Talent Officer, Arbeitsdirektorin – Bayer AG
Magdalena Rogl Diversity & Inclusion Lead – Microsoft Deutschland
Gisbert Rühl Entrepreneuer und Investor – ehem. CEO Klöckner & Co. SE Mehr Informationen

Gisbert Rühl holds a degree in Industrial Engineering (Wirtschaftsingenieur). He began his career in 1987 at Roland Berger Strategy Consultants as management consultant. Various positions in different well-known companies followed.

He joined Klöckner & Co SE in 2005 as CFO before being appointed CEO in 2009. He successfully pioneered the digital transformation of Klöckner which now plays a pioneering role within the steel and metals industry.

He left Klöckner after the AGM in 2021 in order to fully concentrate on his activities as investor by his own company CHEPSTOW CAPITAL GmbH. In this context he also co-founded a SPAC in Luxembourg, which most recently completed the business combination and is now traded at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange as Learnd SE.

Mina Saidze KI-Expertin, Autorin, Gründerin
Dr. Léa Steinacker Co-Founder & Executive Chairwoman – ada Learning GmbH
Marina Sverdel Head of Digital Strategy – RWE Offshore Wind GmbH
Michael Timmermann Founder & CEO – Timmermann Group
Prof. Dr. Katharina A. Zweig Professorin Fachbereich Informatik – Rheinland-Pfälzische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau
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Prof. Dr. Isabell Welpe Inhaberin des Lehrstuhls für Strategie und Organisationsentwicklung der TUM School of Management – TU München Mehr Informationen

Prof. Dr. Isabell M. Welpe has been the chair of the Strategy and Organization research group at the Technical University of Munich, Germany since 2009 and the Academic Director of the Bavarian State Institute for Higher Education Research and Planning (IHF) since 2014. In 2017, she was elected among the 40 leading HR-Personalities (Award of the Journal Personalmagazin) and in 2019 she was awarded with the Bavarian State Medal for Services to the Bavarian Economy.

The expertise of Professor Welpe includes digital transformation of companies, business model innovation, tokenization of assets, emerging digital technologies, the impact of blockchain on the economy and organizations and the future of leadership and work/organizational design.

Anja Zerbin Expertin für Digital Culture & besseres Miteinander, Moderatorin & Speakerin
Change Congress 2024
26.11.2024 – 27.11.2024 | Lofthaus